SWL Jo's Community Connector Cervical Health Training
Thu, 17 Dec
Aimed at non-clinical staff. There were 280 spaces offered across NWL and SWL
Time & Location
17 Dec 2020, 12:00 – 13:30
About the Event
About this Event
We believe that one day cervical cancer can be eliminated, with cervical screening playing a vital role. The pandemic resulted in challenges to the cervical screening programme, resulting in hundreds of thousands not being able to attend, whilst concerns about attending has increased over the past few months. Cervical screening attendance has fallen significantly over the years and the UK is close to a 21 year low, meaning our vision of elimination is getting further away.
To support and encourage attendance RM Partners, the West London Cancer Alliance hosted by The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, has provided funding to offer free Cervical Screening Training to non-clinical GP practice staff, non-clinical administrators, receptionists and other primary care staff (e.g. social prescribers).
Training will be held virtually for 1.5 hours and run by Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, the UK’s leading cervical cancer charity. All staff will need access to a private room, audio and video function to take part in what is an interactive session. All attendees are requested to speak to a minimum of 8 patients about cervical health in the month following the training. Please see below for further information.
Community Connectors Cervical Screening Information
In advance of your Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust Community Connector’s training, we wanted to give you more information about what to expect from a training session with us.
Who are Community Connectors?
We hope that you will be able to help Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust share cervical health messages to communities of interest or groups with low screening uptake.
What can we offer you as Community Connectors?
• A free training session tailored to your needs and the populations you work with.
• A certificate of completion (following the three month evaluation)
• The session will raise awareness of cervical cancer and prevention, and will equip you with the skills, knowledge and tools you need to communicate key messages. We will also give you space to reflect on how best to engage with your communities to change behaviour and overcome barriers to awareness and screening
• Relevant information and materials
What do we ask from Community Connectors who have received our training?
• We ask that each Community Connector commits to:
o Sharing key cervical health messages with 8+ people you come in contact with over 1 month.
o Report back on numbers reached, messages shared and any feedback you receive 1 month after training
What will you learn?
You will learn the below topics, which will enable you to have conversations with people in your community:
1. What is cervical cancer and how is it caused?
2. What are the signs & symptoms?
3. How can cervical cancer be prevented?
4. Barriers to screening & improving confidence in screening during the pandemic
We will commit time during the training session to ask the group to reflect on how to best connect to their community and what approaches will be most effective. If you have any more questions about the Community Connectors training or want to make us aware of topics of special interest, please get in touch with adriana@jostrust.org.uk