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The Sutton Training Hub is one of six Training Hubs nestled within South West London (SWL). ​
Funded by Health Education England (HEE) and NHS England (NHSE) Training Hubs are tasked with supporting workforce development and transformation across primary and community care.

Training Hubs are aligned to geographical regions and work collaboratively with stakeholders across the region. These include providers of health & care services, education providers, charity & voluntary organisations. 

Training Hubs started in 2014/15 to support a growing recognition of the need for a co-ordinated approach to primary and community care workforce development and transformation. ​

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Image by Nicolas J Leclercq


  • Support workforce planning

  • Develop placement capacity to create innovative and high- quality clinical placements for multi-professional learners

  • Develop and enhance the number of multi-professional educators within primary care and across a Primary Care Network (PCN)

  • Support the development of educational programmes and projects to develop the primary/community care workforce at scale

  • Pilot projects to support new ways of working across PCNs

  • Raise awareness of the vast variety of careers within primary and community care and entry routes

  • Support CPD for personal & professional development 


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Whilst each Training Hub retains its independence, a key theme is working together and 'doing things once' where it makes sense to do so.

Each Training Hub may lead on a particular project across SWL on behalf of the commissioners; HEE, NHSE and the SWL CCGs.

Whilst Training Hubs are focused on supporting staff already working in Primary Care, an additional strand of our work involves promoting Primary Care careers to the 'future workforce'.

As part of the 'widening participation' agenda, Training Hubs are champions to help raise awareness of the 100's of roles and entry routes into particular career pathways; including apprenticeships. 

We attend school career fairs across the borough to provide up to date information about the wide range of careers available. 


We work with HEE and universities to facilitate multi-professional placements in Primary Care. Primary Care placements and rotations across Primary Care, provides our future workforce with a thorough and quality learning experience. 

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​A core priority for the Training Hub is to support continuing personal and professional development of staff working in Primary Care. This includes working with our Primary Care Networks (PCNs) to support aspects of workforce planning and developing individual or PCN training plans.

We support the SWL CCGs to deliver the GP Forward View priorities which include GP Retention, GP Resilience, Primary Care at Scale and Fellowships programme. 



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